Offering therapeutic support and helpful coping tools geared towards individuals over 18 who are struggling with executive function issues, which are keeping them stuck in certain areas of their lives. Often individuals with ADHD struggle with a lot of shame and self-blame related to productivity, self-comparison, and challenges with daily functioning. In therapy, we work on understanding and dismantling that shame while also figuring out practical tools and strategies that work for your brain and make your life easier.


Supporting individuals who are coping with anxiety and/or depression, which is keeping them from finding meaning and fulfillment within themselves and their relationships. Anxiety painfully chains us to our future and depression often chains us to our past and present. Therapy is one way to gain more insight into your patterns and find more emotional balance.

Body Image & Self-Esteem

Helping those struggling with poor body image and self-worth heal their relationship with their body and build confidence.


Providing therapy to adults who are overwhelmed with the pressure they place on themselves. Perfectionism can sometimes relate to fear of rejection or issues with trust and uncertainty, but it is not sustainable. Therapy can be a place to figure out where those expectations are coming from and how to take healthy risks that challenge those unrealistic self-expectations.


Janelle Shepard, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist # 139256

Phone: 562-846-3636

Fax: (562) 203-8505